Public Comment Guidelines

Updated 7/17/2024  

  1. Provide Comment to the Board of Trustees: The Board welcomes the opportunity for expression of public views on issues before the Board.  Individuals wishing to submit comments to the Board must do so no later than 9:00 a.m. EST on Wednesday, July 17, 2024 via the Public Comment Form on the Board’s website.
  2. Comment Length:  Comments are limited to 500 words per person and must be submitted by 9:00 a.m. EST on Wednesday, July 17, 2024.  All comments submitted by the deadline will be shared with the Board in advance of the meeting.  The Board reserves the right to consolidate comments that are duplicative in nature for the purpose of avoiding repetition of the same comments.
  3. Topics Permitted: The Board will not accept comments that reference, in whole or in part, the following topics: the employment status of any specific individual; statements concerning the private activities, lifestyles or beliefs of any specific individual employed by or associated with the University; or grievances relating to any individual student or employee.  In addition, the Board will not accept public comments from a party to any pending or threatened litigation or any administrative or other proceeding to which the University is a party, or by legal counsel for such party.
  4. Archiving of Remarks: Public commenters who comply with the Board’s rules will have their remarks archived and made available on the Board’s website, with such posting to be made as soon as practicable.  Public comments that do not comply with the Board’s rules will not be archived or made available on the Board’s website.  The decision on whether a submission has or has not complied with the Board’s rules will be made by the Chair of the Board, in consultation with the Secretary of the Board and the Chair of the Committee on Outreach, Development and Community Relations.
  5. Important Dates: As soon as available (approximately 5 business days in advance of a regularly scheduled meeting), an agenda of items to be considered will be available for public review. The Public Comment Form will be available at that same time. All persons wishing to provide comments must do so no later than 9:00 a.m. on the Wednesday preceding the meeting.
Date of Meeting Agenda List/
Public Comment Form Available
Date Form Due in Board Office
Friday, July 19, 2024 Friday, July 12, 2024 Wednesday, July 17, 2024 at 9:00 a.m. EST