Current Trustees 


Neeli Bendapudi

*President, The Pennsylvania State University

Joshua D. Shapiro

*Governor, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania

Cynthia A. Dunn

Secretary, Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources

Russell C. Redding

Secretary, Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture

Carrie Rowe

Acting Secretary, Pennsylvania Department of Education

* Non-Voting member

Note: The date in parentheses following each name indicates the year in which the term will expire. Trustees appointed by the Governor serve until their successors have been appointed and confirmed.

Appointed By The Governor

Suzan Collins

Suzan T. Collins (2027)

Director of Family Office,
Collins and Ganley, PC



David M. Davis (2026)

Managing Director,
Accenture Consulting

Daniel J. Delligatti (2026)

President and Owner/Operator,
M & J Management Corp.


Kenneth C. Kane (2027)

Senior Advisor,
Generations Forestry



David M. Kleppinger (2025)

Chairman Emeritus, McNees Wallace and Nurick LLC
(Chair of the Board of Trustees)


Daniel A. Onorato (2025)

Executive Vice President and Chief Corporate Affairs Officer, Highmark Health

Elected by Alumni

Edward “Ted” B. Brown, III (2025)

President and CEO, KETCHConsulting, Inc.

Barry J. Fenchak (2025)

Registered Investment Advisor and Securities Principal

Christa A. Hasenkopf (2025)

Director, Air Quality Life Index (AQLI) and
Air Quality Programs,
Energy Policy Institute,
University of Chicago

Photo of Ali Krieger
Ali Krieger (2026)

ESPN Analyst, Former Professional Soccer Player


Anthony P. Lubrano (2026)

President, A.P. Lubrano and Company, Inc.

Matthew J. McGloin (2027)

Commissioner, Lackawanna County

Carl Nassib Photo

Carl P. Nassib (2027)

Founder and CEO Rayze, Inc.

Brandon D. Short (2027)

Executive Director and Portfolio Manager,
PGIM Real Estate

Elected by Delegates From Agricultural Societies

Randall “Randy” E. Black (2026)

CEO and President,
First Citizens Community Bank

Donald W. Cairns (2027)

Cairns Family Farm

Valerie L. Detwiler (2025)

Senior Vice President,
Senior Commercial Banker,
Reliance Bank

Lynn A. Dietrich (2026)

Retired Professional Engineer (PE)

M Abraham Harpster

M. Abraham Harpster (2025)

Evergreen Farms, Inc.

Chris R. Hoffman (2027)

Pennsylvania Farm Bureau

Elected by the Board Representing Business and Industry

Robert F. Beard

Robert F. Beard (2026)

Chief Operating Officer, UGI Corporation

Robert E. Fenza (2027)

Retired Chief Operating Officer, Liberty Property Trust

Naren K. Gursahaney (2025)

Retired President,
CEO and Director,
ADT Corporation

Photo of Karen Quintos

Karen H. Quintos (2026)

Retired, Chief Customer and Marketing Officer,
Dell Technologies

Mary Lee Schneider (2027)

Former President and CEO, SG360°

Richard S. Sokolov (2025)

Vice Chairman, Simon Property Group
(Vice Chair of the Board of Trustees)

Elected by Board – At-Large

Tracy A. Riegel (2025)

Former Project Manager,
The Vanguard Group

Julie Anna Potts Photograph

Julie Anna Potts (2027)

President and CEO, North American Meat Institute

Matthew W. Schuyler (2026)

Chair Emeritus, Penn State Board of Trustees

Student Trustee

Kevin B. Schuyler (2025)

Smeal College of Business,
Penn State University

Academic Trustee

Nicholas J. Rowland (2027)

Professor of Sociology,
Penn State Altoona

Immediate Past President, Alumni Association

Kelley M. Lynch

Kelley M. Lynch (2025)

Chief Financial Officer, sovaSage
Immediate Past President,
Penn State Alumni Association

Governor’s Non-voting Representative

Evan A. Myers

Senior Vice President,
AccuWeather, Inc.